在爱和崩溃之间的照护者—— 一个年长照护者的汗与泪 王女士是一个全职家庭主妇,数十年如一日把家里打理得井井有条。生活不算富裕,靠着先生的一份薪水省吃俭用,俩人勉强能过日子。眼看着先生再过几年就退休了,他们规划着要去各地旅游。王女士一直觉得自己没看过世界,最远也只是到过圣淘沙。她希望能亲眼看看日本...
The weight of caregiving on her thin shouldersMdm Ong carried the weight of caregiving upon her own shoulders. She has no help because there is no one to help her.
Caring for the CaregiverMdm Ang, 63, singlehandedly looked after her older sister, 67, who suffered from Parkinson’s Disease.
I Don’t Want to Die UglyThere are many ways to commit suicide, and Mr Wong considered them all but one. He did not fear death, but he was terrified of dying ugly.