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本地资深音乐人黄宏墨、本地戏曲演员沈炜竣、小提琴手蔡宇妆(她是前体操国手)、创作歌手刘锦祥、新加坡报业控股华文媒体集团新闻中心总编辑韩咏梅(二胡演奏家)、96.3好FM DJ 菁云、德明等人将为你带来多首动听民谣和方言歌曲!

温情无处不在,好人一生安康 记得准时上线 96.3好FM 专页欣赏音乐会,同时支持海悦辅导中心。 你的善款将能帮助受心理健康问题所困扰的朋友!

现在就上网 献出你的爱心,捐款支持!

使用PayNow 的捐款:

  1. 只需打开你的手机上银行的移动应用APP

  2. 扫描左方二维码。O'JOY LIMITED会出现在Payee栏目

  3. 或者直接输入UEN号码:201805560D

  4. 输入想捐赠的金额(Donation Amount),然后在Reference Number中输入“Donate<space>NRIC/FIN/UEN"

  5. 如果您想收到收据,可以将捐款截图以及个人联络资料发送到



Good Heart with Good Luck Online Charity Concert 23 January 2021, 7.30pm

This concert will star various local talents: local music producer Wong Hong Mok, local opera artiste Nick Shen, Violinist and ex-national athlete Eileen Chai, Erhu performer and SPH Chief editor Han Yong Mei, 96.3 Hao FM DJs Jingyun and Deming to bring you melodious folk and dialect songs.

Remember to tune in online 96.3好FM to watch the concert, and give O'Joy your support. Your donations will go towards our counselling services that help vulnerable persons struggling with mental health challenges.

Donate now at GIVING.SG



Scan the QR code using your mobile banking app, OR select PayNOW and key in our UEN 201805560D。 For tax deduction, please enter the following details in the reference field: DONATE<space>NRIC/FIN/UEN

If you wish to receive a hard-copy receipt, you can email O'Joy at with your donation screenshot and contact details.

"Good Heart with Good Luck" is a series of online concerts, planned and managed by Tang Dynasty, to disburse donations from the estate of late Venerable Suit Woo Foong to benefit various charities. A 90-minute online concert will be held for each benefitting charity to raise public awareness and to encourage further public donations for the charity. O'Joy Limited is blessed to be one of the many beneficiary charities.


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Blk 5, Upper Boon Keng Rd, #02-10, Singapore 380005

Phone: +65 6749 0190

Fax: +65 6742 1909


Email: hello[at]

Company Registration No.: 201805560D
Charity Registration No.: 201805560D
Full Member, National Council of Social Service

IPC Registered Charity: 201805560D

We are an Institute of Public Character. 

Monetary donations can be eligible for 250% tax exemption.

O'Joy Limited is a leading non-profit social service organisation in Singapore, dedicated to enhancing the well-being of seniors and adults with mental health conditions. At O'Joy, we offer a range of programs, including counselling services, case management for seniors, and mental health support for younger adults. Our Health-Oriented Ageing (HOA) program promotes active ageing through exercise, arts, and social interaction, helping seniors stay physically, cognitively, and socially engaged. O'Joy relies on donations and partnerships to sustain our impactful work, providing essential support to vulnerable communities. Join us in making a difference through your contribution or collaboration, and help us foster a healthier, more connected community for all.

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