Jun 9, 2016

O'Joy Volunteer Feature: Never Too Old to Volunteer!

Chiew Sim, 65 years old

Chiew Sim has been volunteering with O’Joy for a great 10 years! This is one sprightly lady whose infectious energy belies her age and is the perfect epitome of active ageing. She admits that she “can’t stop moving and doing things”!

She first heard about O’Joy from the previous Executive Director of O’Joy who was seeking volunteers. She thought, “Why not? I have lots of time and I can spend it meaningfully.” The rest, as they say, is history. She started as a para-counsellor and also helps out at the HOA (Health-Oriented Ageing) sessions when it was started some years ago.

Chiew Sim now spends 3 to 4 days a week at O’Joy amidst her busy schedule of line dancing and other volunteering. As an elderly herself, she too enjoys the HOA activities held by O’Joy and finds it really fun. “好玩!” she quips.

“It is good for the old folks to come down and spend a few hours being active, meeting and talking to other people. Otherwise the day is very long for them and it is dreary. I make many new friends here too!”

Asked if she will ever slow down, she replied animatedly, “I will do this until I can’t do it anymore!”