Mar 10, 2020

Let’s not forget humanity in times of crisis #SGUNITED

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

For the past 3 months, the wave of the Covid-19 situation has swept through the population, leaving behind a wake of fear and anxiety. Many of our lives have been embroiled in a sense of uncertainty as various adjustments needed to be made in our daily life.

In this current climate, it is more important now than ever to focus on our psychological health in addition to our physical health. As people withdraw from social gatherings and work from home and organizations cut down on service provision to reduce the risk of infection, it also opens up a host of other issues like social isolation, loneliness and the concern that people in need of services might not be able to get the help they need.

We recently received a call from a 54-year old lady who is living alone and has some difficulty ambulating. Because of that, her main past-time involves watching television and she became very distressed when her television broke down but technicians were not able to go down to her home and fix it because of the Covid-19 situation. Her distress and loneliness intensified when she was unable to attend her church where her main social interactions were at.

Situations like the one above are heart-breaking. We would like you to know if you are feeling distressed or anxious that you are not alone. We are here to help. Give us a call at 6749 0190.

In the meantime, please continue to take care of yourself and keep you and your loved ones safe. Take the necessary precautions but remember that your mental health is equally important.

Finally, let’s not forget to relate to one another in the midst of this situation. Tap into our common humanity and turn towards each other rather than turning away.

Written by: Melissa Yoong, counsellor at O'Joy